Tuesday, 22 February 2011

24 weeks 6 days

Monthly midwife appointment today and all is progressing nicely, my 28 week blood tests are booked and if the heartburn / pelvis pain would just lessen I could settle down and enjoy the last 15 weeks.

As I was coming home today I passed this mom out walking with her severly disabled child and I have to be quite honest it totally freaked me out....found myself holding my tummy and hyperventilating at the thought that something could happen to our precious little bundle. Funny the things that destabalise you at this time.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

23 weeks 4 days

Am really starting to battle with pelvic pain....am assuming it is due to the fact that I am getting old (38 in a couple of weeks) and that this is my 4th pregnancy. Don't think all the bending and lifting in the move helped either but really hoping it settles down as I simply can't imagine the next 16.5 weeks being like this.

Friday, 11 February 2011

23 weeks 2 days

A lot has happened in the last two weeks, not only have we moved house but I have also had my appointment with the Birth Story Counseling clinic and Heather Brown, Head of Obstetrics at the Princess Royal Hospital.

The appointment with the BSC clinic was fantastic and I am really glad I went, we spent a hour and a half going through Nick's birth, all the decisions made by clinical staff were explained and some of the more traumatic moments put into perspective. I came away with a much better understanding of those hours and feel much happier and more secure for this next delivery. Jane Cleary (the midwife / councilor) supports my request for a c-section in the event of some kind of intervention becoming necessary which has also made me feel a lot better.

On 9th Feb I had my appointment to finalise our birth plan and again came away feeling happy and secure. Heather Brown is a South African Obstetrician and as such I was able to relate to her instantly and we had quite a giggle about the fact that I was a very unusual South African woman having had 3 v-back deliveries.

She has agreed in principal to my c-section and felt that I was being reasonable in agreeing to wait and see if I go into natural labour and if not she will sign off the c-section instead of any other form of intervention. I have an appointment to see her again on 8th June (day before baby is due) and if my cervix is still not starting to soften she will book the caesar. All in all I couldn't have hoped for a better outcome.

I decided to find out the sex of bean at our last scan and although I am having to keep it a secret as Si doesn't want to know, I am quite enjoying the novel experience of already thinking of baby by name instead of just it. I didn't know the sex of my last three and while I loved the surprise as well, it has been fun to do things a little differently this time round.

Psychologically I am feeling a little more in control and I think now that the move is over I will be able to get things together again. I think I have just been worn out by the stress and now that that is all over I am sure things will settle down a little bit.