Monday, 29 November 2010

12 weeks, 6 days

Received my blood test results today and I am once again in the very low risk category for Trisomy 21 which is exceptionally good news especially given my age. These test cannot, of course, rule out Down Syndrome completely but they do mean that it is very unlikely in my current pregnancy.

Am feeling much much better both psychologically and physically and my energy levels seem to be returning to normal, for the mornings at least. The craving for oranges persists, although not as extremely, and they are still my snack of choice.

Definitely happy to be into the second Trimester "honeymoon period"

Thursday, 25 November 2010

12 weeks, 1 day

This morning is my 12 week "dating" scan and I have to admit to more than a little anxiety. It is funny, once this scan is done and I know there is a heartbeat, 2 arms, 2 legs, a head with two developing sides of the brain and a good little spine I will be so so much more relaxed.

As Si had used up all his leave on our trip to South Africa, Megs came with me today to hold my hand and watch Nick and she was such a little star - I really am so proud of my daughter and the young woman she is becoming and I think she was more than a little moved to be the first person in the family to see our precious little bundle.

As the pic above shows, there is heartbeat, 2 arms, 2 legs, a head with two developing sides of the brain and a good little spine so I am a very happy mommy this evening and suddenly everything feels so much more real. I could literally feel myself bonding with this precious little miracle as I saw him/her wiggling around on the screen for the first time and I just know that our life together is going to be one of wonder and joy.

The only "not so good" news to come out of the appointment is that I have apparently once again not got very much immunity to German Measles, despite having at least 2 booster shots after my previous pregnancies. The long and the short of it means I can't go into large gatherings of children for the next 8 weeks, but it really is a small sacrifice to make for the health of the little one.

Consultant appointment to discuss the caesar is now booked for 20th December.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

11 weeks, 6 days

I haven't been in the best head space over the last couple of weeks....pregnancy hormones have really had me reeling and as I said to a friend the other day there have been moments when I have literally felt like I was losing my mind.

I am pleased to say that as my second trimester approaches I am starting to feel less tired and slightly more in control and I am starting to look forward to the next 6 months rather than just viewing the whole thing with abject terror.

This precious little bundle was a totally planned pregnancy and one that Si and I have discussed and agreed would complete our wonderful family and yet there have still been moments when I have sat completely overwhelmed and wondered how on earth I am going to survive....simply can't imagine how people cope when something like this happens to them totally out of the blue.

12 week scan and bloods on Thursday so we will hopefully have the first pictures of our little bean soon.

Monday, 15 November 2010

10 weeks, 5 days

I am craving oranges....seriously craving them, they need to be ice cold and sliced in wedges and I can eat 4 a day without a second thought - guess I am lucky it isn't chocolate, as apart from the bump haven't put on any significant weight at this point.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

9 weeks, 6 days

I had my first midwife or "booking in" appointment today which basically covered my care plan for the next 7 months and gave me the opportunity to ask any questions. As I had some spotting on Friday night it was reassuring to have someone to talk to and to hear that as long as nothing persists (which it hasn't) all should be well and there is absolutely nothing to worry about as it is apparently very common.

Discussed my history with Post Natal Depression in some depth and it would seem that they may begin my treatment before baby is even born this time as it has shown to be more successful than waiting until symptoms have set up for this as have often joked in the past that I wish they could put up a drip with antidepressant meds at the same time they put in the epidural.

Would seem that because I am requesting a c-section for psychological rather that physiological reasons I am going to need to go to one session of "birth story" counselling where they will go through Nicholas's birth with me and explain things and try to put it into perspective so it all seems a little less traumatic, again am very much up for it as anything that will clear up those hours and give me a better insight is more than welcome. My midwife feels that even if the first consultant is not willing to consider a c-section there is apparently a South African OBGYN at the hospital who she will then request for me if need be as she is very pro giving the mom what she wants - def feeling more at ease in this area now.

Other than that, fortunately no real nausea and apart from a bad bout in SA the heartburn seems to have stayed at bay for the moment as well. Am totally, utterly and completely exhausted and sometimes don't know how I am going to make it through the day, but know that when we finally hold our new baby it will all be worthwhile.